On Sun, 29 Jan 2017, Chuck Guzis wrote:

On 01/29/2017 12:13 PM, geneb wrote:

I would assume that the jumper configuration I'd set would have done
that - it has two settings, "UA" - front led handled by the In Use
signal and "DA" - front led handled by the Drive Select signal.  My
K4 has a pair of Shugart 455's in it (that work fine), but I REALLY
don't want to go to the hassle of pulling a drive out in order to see
if the jumper settings match. :)  It may come to that though.

Take a look at the drive (I've got a JU-455 here and there's a
2-position jumper with positions labeled UA and DA (roughly the middle
of the PCB, next to the MM/MS jumper.   With UA  jumpered, the LED will
light only on the INUSE signal; with the DA position, the LED with light
with drive select.

The activity light doesn't work in either setting.


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