or print it on thick photo paper on a really large printer and  glue  it in 
the plastic header for the rack. - Ed#
In a message dated 12/26/2016 11:10:12 P.M. US Mountain Standard Tim,  
ard.p850...@gmail.com writes:

On Mon,  Dec 26, 2016 at 10:48 PM, Rod  Smallwood
<rodsmallwoo...@btinternet.com> wrote:

>>  That's going to be 'fun'.. I can see myself making rollers and a frame  
>> hold them. And then tryng to get a bit of sheet aluminium, cut  it, round
>> the corners etc.
>>  -tony
> I'm a bit better resourced. I already have access to  whats needed. Price
> could be interesting.

Price is one reason  for doing it myself. I can see this banner ending up as
the most expensive  part of the system (so far that 'honour' goes to an
RX8e board I bought  from a reseller about 20 years ago). Another reason
is that having rebuilt  just about everything else myself, I am not going to
be beaten by a  decorative  panel...


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