I just sent Rod and Tony 8M metal sign Hi Res check your bad mail folder my AOL ends up there often Rod cam change my 8m scan to say 8E or 8 whatever! so funny... I found this behind a console radio today - I had not seen it in over 20 years It used to be on one of my H-960s that had PDP-8 in it.. fortune it would tun up on a day with some one in need. Ed# _www.smecc.org_ (http://www.smecc.org) In a message dated 12/26/2016 10:56:04 P.M. US Mountain Standard Tim, pais...@erols.com writes:
> Thanks for the offer. But as yet I don't have a picture. I don't even > know that the banner existed. > All I've seen (and got) are the PDP11 ones. I _assume_ there was one > for PDP8 systems, but > assumptions can be dangerous. Hi Tony. Are you talking about the banner for the main system? Or the second rack? The PDP/8e one looks like this: http://www.employees.org/~kirk/images/pdp8e.jpg A few years ago I had an insert printed out at a local Fast Signs store. I scanned an original that was beat up and created some artwork for the PDP-8e, PDP-11, and a DECSystem10 one (The first 2 were made from actual H960 rack banners. The last one was a whimsical one I created for fun.) I am not at home right now, but I can look to see if I can dig up the art work. I don't have one online of my PDP-8e one, but here are the other ones: http://www.willys-overland.com/rack/100_3452.jpg http://www.willys-overland.com/rack/100_3456.jpg Todd Paisley