> look at the lower right line of lights on the panel: ... and three bits > of Major State; now look at the RK11-C prints, connector B32: > ... Postamble, Checksum, Data, Header, Preamble. > ... > One thing I have been wondering about is that "RK11-C" - that implies > that there was a -B, etc. I wonder if this panel goes with one of them?
Well, now that I look at a few more things I'm pretty certain the panel in that image goes with some currently-unknown RK11 predecessor to the RK11-C. Note those 5 'state' lines/lights, and then look at the 'Major States' RK11-C print (RK11-C-04, pg. 14 of the PDF version, RK11-C Enginering Drawings Feb1971). In the upper left corner there are a row of 6 flops, each labeled with one of those states (plus one for 'Idle'), arranged in a chain. So one light for the output of each flop... Now look at that display panel: 3 bits for 'Major State' - implying it is binary coded - likely implemented with a counter? Notice also the signal "COUNT MSR" ('Major State Register', I expect) - just what you'd expect to see if the major state had previously been held in a counter, not a string of flops. Why go to all the trouble to synthesize that signal (on the next page, RK11-C-05, "MSR Control") when you cou;d have used the individual composing signals to clock each flop? So my _guess_ is that in the previous version, they'd used a counter, but had had some problems (perhaps it was a binary counter, not Gray code, and the decoding into states was producing glitches), and had therefore switched to the string of flops. (This whole process makes me feel like a paleontologist, reconstructing some unknown dinosaur from a fragment of one bone, using a lot of complex reasoning from small clues contained therein! :-) It would be most interesting to know if there are any signs anywhere of predecessors to the RK11-C. My suspicion is that they were produced in very small numbers - perhaps as prototypes, only internal to DEC. (If they'd had problems with glitches in the major state counter, they would not have wanted to release it as a product.) Or if it was released as a product, perhaps they were all recalled and replaced with RK11-C's because of the issues. As evidence for this, I point to the Spare Module Handbook, which lists only the RK11-C and -D - but _does_ list the KT11-B, a rara avis indeed. (More dinosaur bones... :-) This argues that the predecessor did not exist in the wild... Noel