On Wed, Oct 19, 2016 at 1:25 PM, Antonio Carlini <a.carl...@ntlworld.com> wrote:
> On 19/10/16 01:18, Mark J. Blair wrote:
>> If any of those tapes are relevant to my VAX-11/730, then they might
>> interest me.
> I know that there was a Unibus TK50 interface

TUK50 - M7547.  Very rare (not many people really wanted to read or
write TK50 tapes when they could so easily use 9-track from a Unibus

> ... but I would have thought
> either TU58 or 9-track would have been a more likely software delivery
> mechanism for a VAX-11/730 back in the day.

Indeed (or RL02... that was a valid distribution medium choice,
especially since most of the 11/730s had an RL02 on top not a magtape


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