On 10/18/2016 08:32, Thomas Dzubin wrote: > > But, I also have two big rubbermade containers (about half a cubic > meter) filled with TK50 and TK70 tapes which I have never used. > > In the past 25 years that I have had them, I have not once ever used > my TK50 or TK70 drives...I've always either booted off the attached > disks or netbooted.
Nothing wrong if that's what's worked for you. Glad to hear you've used and enjoyed the machines. > Should I just throw these things out? Do any collectors consider them > to be valuable? Since it's now 2016 and I think the last TK tapes were > made in the 1990s, I'm getting the urge to toss them. > > Opinions? Comments? I think it would be a shame to just thrown them out, though ultimately it's your call. I don't know if anybody considers them "valuable," if you mean "can I make some sweet cash selling them on eBay?" Which doesn't mean you couldn't sell them on eBay, I just wouldn't expect much from it. I think they're useful to folks who have drives that can use them, and they aren't nearly as fragile as QIC or helical scan drives (4mm, 8mm) of a similar age. If you're amenable, perhaps somebody within BC might be interested in them and willing to pick them up? I would, if I were close to one of the cities you listed... --S.