> From: Al Kossow

    > done.


I've spent a while poring over them, and I can report that the tape interface
on the TMA11 and TMB11 is exactly identical. (Oddly enough, there are very
minor differences between those of the TM11 and TMA11. Go figure.) So I
expect that report of a TU10 plugged into a TMB11 is accurate.

I've also compared the TM11 and TMA11, and they have the ssme complement of
Flip Chips, with one exception: the TMA11 adds an M7854 "OPI/BTE Detector" -
not sure what that might be. It does not seem to be, as I had guessed, for
support of 1600 bpi, because the TMA11 only supports 800.

I'll put together a brief page on the Computer History wiki containing all
i've gleaned covering the TM11/TMA11/TMB11 (pinouts of the drive cable, Flip
Chip backplane chart, etc).


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