Does anyone know of the whereabouts of a set of engineering drawings for the
TMB11 (also a Technical Manual, although that's more of a luxury)? All I could
find on it, online, was the Operator's Manual.


PS: In an older thread on TU10's/TM11's here:

I saw some queries about whether a TU10 could be connected to a TMB11. The
answer is apparently 'yes', for two reasons:

First, I found docs on a thing called a TMA11 (apparently intermediate between
the TM11 and TMB11), and one version of the docmentation about it talks about
the TMA11 and the TU10, but another version talks about the TMA11 and the
TS03. So, by transitivity, if the TU10 works with a TMA11, and a TMA11 works
with a TS03, and the TS03 works with a TMB11, the TMB11 must work with a

Second, I have a report of a TU10 found plugged into a TMB11 in a retired

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