On 2016-Aug-12, at 7:39 PM, Brad H wrote:
> There's no way to have both the MP-C and MP-S cards in the same machine and
> have the computer connected to one at a faster rate of speed is there?

As far the hardware goes, yes, you can have both cards in there operating at 
different speeds.

Your problem is getting SWTBUG to use the alternative serial card (port) for 
the loader command, rather than the console port.
To my recollection it (SWTBUG) is not programmed to provide for that.
 I have a vague recollection of some monitor that allowed one to redirect the 
I/O port for the subsequent command or something like that
 but it was probably for some other machine (don't have the command list for 
SWTBUG at hand).

So you could modify SWTBUG (typically with hand-assembled patches) and add a 
new facility and
burn a new EPROM to give you a monitor tailored for your system config.

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