Gahh! So close! ing
The prompt is totally what should be appearing, at least initially. But it just keeps repeating itself over and over again and doesn't stop. Notes: I tried jumpering the DRC board to A000 properly this time, but no dice. So then I changed the jumper on the 'simple' MP-M board so that it was A-0... plugged it in.. nothing. Finally I took the second MP-M, with all the fancy jumper wires and piggybacking nonsense. Cannot tell how it is jumpered or what for, but plugged it in.. boom! Got that prompt. Only one problem.. it just endlessly repeats itself. I can't type anything or stop it. Also, I'm using the MP-C board. After I got that prompt I thought I'd switch the MP-S in but.. nada. I'm thinking (hoping) I've just got a wiring issue or something here that is generating a continuous feedback loop. But I don't know. It could well be that both the MP-C and MP-S are hooped. But, that's definitely progress. I'll post some high-res photos of the boards in that link asap. Brad