On 12/06/2016 11:31, Adrian Graham wrote:
On 12/06/2016 11:00, "Rod Smallwood" <rodsmallwoo...@btinternet.com> wrote:
OK we are moving forward.
Drive is TK70
Interface card is a TQK70 controller
The cart is a TK50 as that's all I have.
The write protect slide is to write protect off.
Cart loads normally and activity light goes to on.
Write protect light is off
I can now get the INIT to start and ask init Y/N.
INIT starts but write protect light comes on
System halts on an I/O error
.sh dev:mu
Device Status CSR Vector(s)
--------- -------- ---
MU 122722 174500 260 254
Nearly there I think. I have loads of TK50 tapes to format.
I'm pretty sure the TK70 can only read TK50 tapes and not write to them...
Thanks Graham
Now that sounds highly likely. Does the TK70 controller support the
TK50 drive perchance?
I have a TK 50 controller I can aways put that back in.