On 12/06/2016 04:01, Jerome H. Fine wrote:
>Jerry Weiss wrote:
On Jun 11, 2016, at 10:14 AM, Jerome H. Fine
<jhfined...@compsys.to> wrote:
Rod Smallwood wrote:
I have had some success in fixing a couple of TK tape drives.
They now load and unload every time you press the button.
SFSG now to talk to them from RT.
Using the diagnostics on the format (RX50) disk the Identify
function shows the drive and by inference its controller.
However its calls it MUX. I seem to remember under RT you needed
to do a SET or ASSIGN to link it to the driver.
Anybody know the correct syntax so I can init the tape and start
to read and write files to and from it.
I really don't understand the question.
Whenever I used either the TK50 or the TK70 under RT-11,
the device name was TU0: and no SET or ASSIGN was required
unless the CSR and / or VECTOR needed to be modified - which
never happened since the standard CSR / VECTOR was always OK.
By the way, while the TK50 is mostly reasonable in WRITE mode
and COPY operations, a COMPARE leaves a lot to be desired.
The TK70 solves that problem. If you must COMPARE with the
TK50, COPY the files(s) to a scratch disk first.
To initialize the tape for files:
I suggest you use the NOREWIND option between files if you
are writing more than one file per command. If you don't, you
will quickly realize why that option is preferred.
To initialize the take for a BACKUP:
You can check the results with:
Jerome Fine
Wouldn’t this be a TMSCP device and use the MU handler?
If you have RT11 V5.x try the following commands
.sho dev:mu Device Status CSR Vector(s)
------ ------ --- ————
MU Installed 174500 260
MU0: is set PORT = 0, UNIT = 0
.load mu:
.sh dev:mu
Device Status CSR Vector(s)
------ ------ --- ---------
MU 122160 174500 260
MU0: is set PORT = 0, UNIT = 0
INIT MU0: Use MU0: in the examples instead of TU0: Jerome has above.
Sorry about that - I apologize!! You are correct!!!!
Please substitute MU for TU.
Jerome Fine
OK we are moving forward.
Drive is TK70
Interface card is a TQK70 controller
The cart is a TK50 as that's all I have.
The write protect slide is to write protect off.
Cart loads normally and activity light goes to on.
Write protect light is off
I can now get the INIT to start and ask init Y/N.
INIT starts but write protect light comes on
System halts on an I/O error
.sh dev:mu
Device Status CSR Vector(s)
--------- -------- ---
MU 122722 174500 260 254
Nearly there I think. I have loads of TK50 tapes to format.