>Rod Smallwood wrote:

On 06/06/2016 03:51, Jerome H. Fine wrote:

>Rod Smallwood wrote:

I have a box full of 8" floppies. BTW how many 8" floppies do you think there were in an RT11 distribution?

I can't remember for sure, but I think there were eight SSDD (RX02) floppies plus an Auto-Install floppy. That would have been for V05.06 of RT-11 which requires over 6,800 blocks for an RL02 disk pack. Since some of the files
get duplicated, eight seems about right.

I doubt that V05.07 of RT-11 from Mentec was ever supported on RX02
floppies. The size of the binary distribution for V05.07 of RT-11 is over
16,600 blocks on an RL02 disk pack of which over 9,000 blocks are
DSK files (one of which is 7,000 blocks) which Mentec added to the
V05.07 RT-11 distribution.

Using RX01 floppies will take many more since there are only half the blocks
or 494 blocks on a SSSD (RX01) floppy.

Do you have any other questions? I don't know of any RT-11 distributions
on RX02 image files for either V05.06 or V05.07 of RT-11.  There may
be some for earlier versions.

The first one out of the box read 1/87  and its not the date.

Can you provide a DIR of the first few floppies?  The names and
sizes of the files will pin down which version of RT-11 if the
actual dates were not correct.  Otherwise, the dates of the files,
if they are correct, will specify the version of RT-11 if the dates
are 1983 (or after) when V05.00 of RT-11 was released.  Before
1983, there were many updates, so there is more confusion.

Internally, each SAV file has a version and each MAC file also
has a version number which will also help identify the file aside
from a BINCOM to compare two files.

Jerome Fine

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