On 05/06/2016 19:39, jwsmobile wrote:

On 6/5/2016 5:33 AM, Noel Chiappa wrote:
Well, 0114 is the 'memory system error' vector - i.e. parity, or
un-recoverable ECC error.

     > R6 = 172276

That seems a bit odd - the stack pointer is pointing into I/0 space? 772276 is the last Supervisor mode Data space PAR - maybe it's using those registers
as a temporary stack?

If the firmware got an error it would seem the first order of business would be to go to the processor registers, store out the error info wherever, and halt and catch fire.

I wonder if the boardset that was in the wrong slot might have had something fried that could create the error.

The board that went in did not get fried, baked or boiled. Its twin brother that only went into the correct location produces the exact same results.

The RX is clearly alive, The motor runs, belt tension is good and you can hear the heads load. I have a box full of 8" floppies. BTW how many 8" floppies do you think there were in an RT11 distribution?

So the question then arises what next? If we look at what an 11/94 is then its a single board CPU and a power control card in a three slot back plane. There after its UNIBUS So is there any thing we can put in the spare QBUS slot without doing any damage?


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