On 2/6/2016 4:14 PM, drlegendre . wrote:
Lacking any other clue (such as accent, mannerisms) that the speaker may
have different cultural norms, how is one to tell plain, friendly
discoursing from a demeaning, brusque or curt tone?

Absent the many critical but subtle cues we receive when engaging in live,
interpersonal conversation, the written word - particularly the functional
and casual way we use it here - is open to broad (mis-)interpretation at
almost every turn.

I'll close by saying that, like most of you, I've had the odd run-in with
what first seemed like a real twat on the net. But in every case, when we
took it up personally, off-list, I've never walked away with anything but a
satisfied mind and a more thoughtful and dare I say favorable opinion of
the person on the other end.

I recall you and I had words at one time, but you've helped me sense and I value having you on the list and as an associate here. That's just the way things go. If you don't get vulgar and fuss about things like that, I see no reason not to fuss from time to time and go on.

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