>Mouse wrote:

I've finally had my fill of the general grumpiness and bluntly
worded interactions on this list.
Sorry to hear that.

What linimon@ said.

I fight against such things on other lists I am on, but some weeks I
also wonder why.

I just now noticed something.

I've noticed people mentioning instances of, shall we say, "excessive
bluntness" occasionally here.  But, significantly more often than not,
I never saw the, er, "excessively blunt" message itself.

Usually, as in this case, this turns out to be because (for unrelated
reasons) I go to some lengths to avoid seeing anything that was sent
through gmail, even laundered through mailing lists.  (This loses me
some mail I regret losing, but, so far, not enough to make me take out
those blocks.  And note that it's not people using gmail addresses I
block, but mail actually sent through gmail.)

I'm wondering if perhaps this correlation works well enough for other
people that dropping list mail sent through gmail could help preserve
the S/N ratio of the list for those who find it low enough that
dropping off the list entirely is looking attractive.

(_Why_ that test correlates that way for me is an interesting, but only
tangentially related, question.)

In my case it might be that my focus is so narrow that I don't really
care about or react to all the "excessive bluntness" that is now seen
very rarely after the last bad batch was shut down by Jay.

In general, I find that the "DELETE" key to be the best solution since
it takes only a second for topics I don't care about at all and only a
dozen seconds for posts that I find unhelpful.

And since I receive so much help for the very few things that I really
need like help for a new system, it is really very reasonable to spend
the few minutes each day to sift out the chaff (at least what I regard
as chaff - not at all identical for anyone else of course) from the good

I rarely reply to this sort of speculation, but I regard Mouse's opinions
quite highly, in addition to Tony Duell whom I regard the most.

Jerome Fine

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