On 12/23/2015 7:18 AM, Antonio Carlini wrote:
> On 23/12/15 12:23, Jacob Ritorto wrote:
>> fwiw, Jay, I appreciated your input, followed your link and
>> subscribed, having never heard of the magazine before.. Looking
>> forward to the Jan. issue with the ESR meter stuff, which I need for
>> diagnosing my 11/45's caps. My opinion is that this list is pretty
>> indispensable specifically for the mentorship that's happening with
>> situations like this. Thank you. --jake 
> At $20 for a year for the digital edition, it does look quite good.
> However, it says: " *Q: Is Nuts & Volts available in a digital format?*
> A: Yes!/Nuts & Volts/Online is an exact replica of the print edition. It
> provides the same visual experience, but is delivered and viewed via the
> web, using Published Web Format (PWF) technology. It enables readers to
> link directly to advertiser information and additional web content
> referenced in articles./Nuts & Volts/Online is viewed via the web and is
> printable AND downloadable."
> Nowhere does it say PDF. I don't want to pay for something that could
> vanish, I want something tangible for my $20.
> Can someone with the digital edition clarify whether it really is a PDF
> or not?

It is indeed a PDF, with no strings attached.  I have been subscribed
for more than 4 years.


> Thanks
> Antonio

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