On 23/12/15 12:23, Jacob Ritorto wrote:
fwiw, Jay, I appreciated your input, followed your link and
subscribed, having never heard of the magazine before.. Looking
forward to the Jan. issue with the ESR meter stuff, which I need for
diagnosing my 11/45's caps. My opinion is that this list is pretty
indispensable specifically for the mentorship that's happening with
situations like this. Thank you. --jake
At $20 for a year for the digital edition, it does look quite good.
However, it says: " *Q: Is Nuts & Volts available in a digital format?*
A: Yes!/Nuts & Volts/Online is an exact replica of the print edition. It
provides the same visual experience, but is delivered and viewed via the
web, using Published Web Format (PWF) technology. It enables readers to
link directly to advertiser information and additional web content
referenced in articles./Nuts & Volts/Online is viewed via the web and is
printable AND downloadable."
Nowhere does it say PDF. I don't want to pay for something that could
vanish, I want something tangible for my $20.
Can someone with the digital edition clarify whether it really is a PDF
or not?
Antonio Carlini