Be patient. 75 dollar 33s still exist

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-------- Original message --------
From: "drlegendre ." <> 
Date: 10/14/2015  16:34  (GMT-07:00) 
To: "General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts" <> 
Subject: Re: Fair price and ways to find a teletype 


A few montns ago, with a fair bit of help of the folks on this list, I did
up an Altair 8800 rebuild. And apparently you & I both saw the same videos,
as I got all hot and bothered about getting an ASR33 and using it to load
software - BASIC, for starters - into  the Altair. And again, on members'
suggestion, I joined the Greenkeys list.

Too bad, but I was totally +shocked+ at the 'value' placed on ASR33 these
days!! Thousand dollars and more, not all all unusual.. and my resources
just can't justify that level of expenditure for what is generally a
'cheap' DIY hobby of sorts. Meanwhile, a Greenkeys member in St. Louis, MO
popped up with a very nice M15 (ex-Bell) that was Free to Good Home. I have
(or at least had, ha!) a good friend in St. Louis, and he was able to take
care of the pickup for me - and several months later, i arranged to have it
delivered to my house by a relative.

Now the M15 isn't a 33ASR, and lacks the paper tape punch & reader (though
devices do exist). But what it is, is a truly fantastic piece of
electro-mechanical engineering that borders on the "tight metal" genre of
some earlier business machines, such as the Felt & Tarrant Comptometer. If
you have general mechanical experience, I'd say the M15 is roughly on a par
with a 2-spd or even 3-spd automatic transmission, in terms of mechanical
complexity (the the tranny will have a higher parts count.. I think!).

So while they can be worked with, and documentation is plentiful, they are
a bit intimidating the first time you see one in action - or inaction, as
it may be - and they do NOT respond kindly to false moves or other
ham-fistery. But they are well worth learning, and don't yet seem to have
joined their later progeny in the financial stratosphere.


On Wed, Oct 14, 2015 at 2:39 PM, william degnan <>

> You can ship these in a box if you detach the pedestal and put it on its
> side, making sure the main unit is well padded and there is a weight
> balance to the box, as you never know from what angle the box will
> sit/fall/land/be carried.  I shrink wrap the main TTY to ensure it stays
> secure, then wrap in layers of bubble wrap and foam.  I have shipped five
> or six that way.  You can also use two boxes.  It's very easy to re-attach
> the main unit from the pedestal, many have a reader motor in the pedestal,
> but you just unscrew it.
> On Wed, Oct 14, 2015 at 3:28 PM, ben <> wrote:
> > On 10/14/2015 12:48 PM, Brad wrote:
> >
> >> How heavy are these things?  They look like solid steel in pictures.
> >> That's one of the things that presents a big problem for me up here in
> >> Canada... shipping from the US has gotten outrageously expensive.
> >>
> >
> > Well for big things shipping I think it is about the same for the last
> few
> > years.
> > It is the US mail that is strange ... $3.00* for 3 weeks or $60 for
> > overnight. I expect still cheaper shipping than when new. Note you still
> > need a truck to get from the shippers warehouse.
> > Ben.
> > * I think books still send that way.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> --
> Bill

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