> > > I put a few pictures up here: > > > > http://yahozna.dyndns.org/scratch/dps6/ > > > > Nice bitslice processor in there, an Ethernet controller, some memory > > (looks like 2MB) and as for the other boards, I'm not yet sure...) > > > > - Josh >
The RICM had two DPS-6 systems. http://www.ricomputermuseum.org/Home/equipment/honeywell-dps-6 http://www.ricomputermuseum.org/Home/equipment/honeywellultimate-level-6 The second one is from the Ultimate Corporation, has a Pick processor (or microcode) and runs the Pick OS. In a prior life I managed the GCOS OS and communications on a Honeywell 6000. The first year I worked there we swapped the core for MOS memory, swapped the 120MB Ampex disks for 240MB MPI disks, swapped the Datanet 355 front-end and two 716 front-ends for two DPS-6 front-ends, and shrunk the size of the system by 30%. If I remember correctly, DPS-6 front-ends used the memory parity bits to make 18-bit memory, half of the 36-bit 6000 memory. We added a second I/O multiplexer, second CPU, more tapes, and more disks when it was upgraded to a Level-66. This was something like upgrading the architecture from NSA to NSB? We added a Honeywell Page Printer System. This was a really fast (for its time) printer that could perforate, hole punch, and collate the pages. I remember something about renaming the system to a DPS-8/70, but that was more marketing than technology. Eventually it was all replaced by a bunch of Tandem Non-Stop systems in a distributed network. -- Michael Thompson