is it a  dps 6  or  8?
In a message dated 9/24/2015 12:10:41 A.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

On  9/23/15 2:56 PM, Sean Caron wrote:
> Ah, so these are the machines! Please take lots of pics 
> the DPS-8 inside  and out; I've never really seen the innards of a 
> machine  before and I'm kind of curious what their "style" looks like.
>  Best,
> Sean

Will do.  I took the boards out to  inspect them tonight (they had 
rattled about a bit during shipment) and  everything seems ok.  I'll have 
time to take some pictures this  weekend.  Unfortunately, somewhere along 
the line someone  disconnected nearly all the ribbon cables running to 
the boards and I've  got no idea what goes where (only a couple are 
cohesively labeled.)   This thing is going to be a project.

-  Josh

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