Ever heard of CRYPTOWALL ? I think that I got it from looking at PDFs on the web while doing some research. It's a trojan, not a virus. It runs in the background encrypting files. Then it pops up a message demanding 500 euros for the key!

Sounds like Cryptolocker. Even the police paid the ransom to get their data back.

At home I use an older Supermicro 15 bay 3u server as a NAS. I bought every disk in a pair, and usually don't buy it in advance. Even though it has a 24 port 3ware card, only the OS disk is mirrored, all the others are exported JBOD (single disk, no RAID)

Then I manually run an rsync script here and there to copy the data from disk set A to B.

Disk set A is the only one exported via NFS/SMB, so the only one the Windows and Mac systems can get to.

Originally I was meaning to script it so the B disks would be spun down, but haven't gotten around to that yet.

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