> On Sep 15, 2015, at 1:12 PM, Fred Cisin <ci...@xenosoft.com> wrote:
> On Tue, 15 Sep 2015, Guy Dawson wrote:
>> Delete it on the master and have it faithfully deleted on the replica.
> Yeah.
> Backup should NOT be connected to the computer that it is backing up, and 
> should be a drive, NOT a connected computer.
> Ever heard of CRYPTOWALL ?   ...

It depends on the purpose of the backup.  There are two major possibilities (1) 
to recover from operator error (2) to recover from destruction of the system.  
The malware you're describing is really a variant of (2).  

For (1), on-system backups, or snapshots, or stuff like that are fine.  The 
concern is a file that was accidentally deleted or clobbered, and another copy 
of that file on the same machine, or connected nearby, will serve.

For (2) you need a backup that is isolated from whatever event clobbered your 
system.  That event might be fire, earthquake, or malware.  For all of those, 
distance and possibly isolation are what you need.

If you care about fast recovery from both classes of issue, you will want to 
consider two backups, one for each kind of problem.  The one for (1) can 
typically run much more frequently than the one for (2).


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