>> On Thu, 10 Sep 2015 20:32:11 -0500
>> Jon Elson <el...@pico-systems.com> wrote:
>>> Hello, all,
>>> I am a member of the Homebuilt CPU web-ring, and a really 
>>> weird problem has turned up.  The guy who administers the 
>>> ring, David Brooks, is in Australia, and uses iinet.net.au 
>>> as his ISP.  All members of the web ring link to his 
>>> personal web pages at iinet. Apparently, due to government 
>>> censorship or a private war between iinet and US content 
>>> providers, iinet or Australia are blocking access from at 
>>> least some sites in the US. ...
>>> Some webring members are now using classiccmp mirrors to 
>>> host the affected files to get around this problem.
>>> So, I wonder if I can ask classiccmp members, especially in 
>>> the US, to check if they can view this page:
>>> http://members.iinet.net.au/~daveb/simplex/simplex.html

FWIW: when I run into a web site issue due to filtering (or suspicion of same), 
I got to TOR.  Apart from the confidentiality benefits it offers, you also get 
access from a completely different part of the world.  An unpredictable place, 


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