On 9/11/2015 7:46 AM, Lyle Bickley wrote:
On Thu, 10 Sep 2015 20:32:11 -0500
Jon Elson <el...@pico-systems.com> wrote:

Hello, all,

I am a member of the Homebuilt CPU web-ring, and a really
weird problem has turned up.  The guy who administers the
ring, David Brooks, is in Australia, and uses iinet.net.au
as his ISP.  All members of the web ring link to his
personal web pages at iinet. Apparently, due to government
censorship or a private war between iinet and US content
providers, iinet or Australia are blocking access from at
least some sites in the US.  So, from my work or home
(totally different IPs) I cannot access ANY personal pages
at iinet, but a few general help pages there can be
accessed.  As far as I can tell, nobody else in the world is
being affected.

Some webring members are now using classiccmp mirrors to
host the affected files to get around this problem.

So, I wonder if I can ask classiccmp members, especially in
the US, to check if they can view this page:
Works from Silicon Valley (Mountain View)

But not from Santa Cruz, only about 30 miles away from Mtn. View.


Vintage computers and electronics

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