Have you looked at https://www.uship.com? <https://www.uship.com/?>  It’s kind 
of like crowdsourced shipping.  The quality of service can vary but shippers 
are encouraged to offer good service due to a ratings system.  If you’re lucky 
you’ll find a shipper already taking your route for another shipment and you 
can get a good deal.

> On Sep 1, 2015, at 1:23 AM, Ali <cct...@fahimi.net> wrote:
> I know this is a topic that comes up quite often and I have archived a
> number of threads. However, I am still not finding what I need. The back
> story is that I need to have a desk shipped across the country to me. The
> desk measures 28" long, 27" wide, 35" tall and is ~125 pounds unpacked.
> While it is possible to disassemble the desk I rather not.
> I've gotten quotes form a number of outfits as follows:
> 1. UPS: $1200 to pack/crate the desk and ship it.
> 2. Craters and Freighters: $895 to wrap in PE Foam, Styrofoam, bubble wrap,
> and box shipped door to door (i.e. not real freight).
> 3. Freightquote: $475 if I palletize it/pack it myself (have to clarify if
> this is door to door or do I have to drop off and pickup). 
> Anybody else have other suggestions/recommendations? From what I understand
> this desk is not that heavy (in the freighting scheme of things) and would
> easily fit on one pallet and maybe even a half pallet. But I've never
> shipped something via freight so maybe these are all accurate prices. Any
> help/guidance is very much appreciated. 
> Thanks.
> -Ali

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