On 9/1/2015 8:22 AM, Ali wrote:
I'm not surprised by those quotes (and Freightquote is in the ballpark
for pallet loads that can't be top-loaded.)
Okay, good to know I am not getting fleeced. I am actually okay with
FreightQuote but the problem is the seller is very hesitant to palletize the
item. If I can get him to get it on a pallet that might be the best.
You could try uship.com but be very careful you fully specify
everything you want and don't expect anything you don't agree with
(like must be shipped inside or tarped, if you can't load/unload then
they need to do so, etc.)
I've been a bit hesitant going to uship because of the damn AMC show. I
understand they probably have some of the bigger idiots on the show but the
things they do is just amazingly idiotic... With them do I need to worry
about having a dock or delivery to door or is that expected? I would specify
"no top load, in cab or covered for the total duration of transport,
strapped so it does not roll/move, and no loading/unloading." Anything else
that I should worry about?
Freight companies will pick up and drop off from your location but if
it's residential then usually on the street (it's up to you to get it
on and off the truck usually.) This is because they usually send an
It is not so heavy that we cannot bring it off the truck with myself and the
driver (assuming they do that). I can then just use a dolly from the street
or roll it on its built in wheels.
The driver won't do it. And they won't be happy if you are not there
ready to move when they come by.
The freight companies have entirely different divisions or companies
that deliver from freight terminals to terminus locations and the
drivers who run the trucks are just charged with moving the trailers
from terminals to terminals or as he says here, sometimes other
locations. But they usually want dock high places to unload, and seldom
will leave trailers for you to unload (if you have a full trailer).
If you can get it palletized and delivered to a freight terminal at the
far end, and want to save a buck on the shipping and control that
youself, look for a "Less than load" quote from the larger lines, like
YRC and ABF and the like. At your end you will get the unit at the
nearest freight terminal for the line you choose. I have a google maps
link to one in Orange California I've used. They won't hold your
delivery there long, but there are usually ways to get a pallet either
onto another dock high vehicle, they frequently have a pickup truck high
dock, or the will have ramps down to ground level you can go to and load
onto a lift gate truck, or whatever.
look at the google search for "abf freight less than load" page and it
will make quotes for you to examine the rates. You'll have to guess or
know the weight, but you should already know the locations. The extra
you need at the shipping end is the outfit to pick up the desk, and band
it on a pallet. Make sure they will shield it properly as if they band
it as they should have to, it will make big spots in the finish if not
done correctly.
And when you get the freight quote make sure you make it clear it can't
be stacked. They can't always make provisions to put in a LTL item on
the top of the truck.
Remember you are dealing with multiple entities here the local delivery
place at the far end, the freight line, then your delivery service,
which you will do yourself possibly.
Here is the ABF LTL site.
If it's residential then you need to tell them that and you'll pay more
(generally about $75 more in my experience.) This is so they'll send a
liftgate truck and will call to make a delivery appt.
I can do either (i.e. residential vs. business) but as I said we do not have
a dock at the business either. Of course there are three or four works
available at any time to just manually unload it if they will let us.
Thanks for all the advice Todd.