On 2015-08-21 20:31, Ian Finder wrote:
I should add- although I thought this was obvious, some people here take 
pedantry to the next level:

*** I am strictly referring to software which is no longer generally available 
commercially, which is the 98% case for the software for our machines. ****

Hmm, I didn't know that PDP-11 software was less than 2% of the software under discussion here.


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On Aug 21, 2015, at 11:26, Ian Finder <ian.fin...@gmail.com> wrote:

I think in response to sharing bits, a "better to ask for forgiveness rather than 
permission" policy is as best as can be done, otherwise the hobby is completely 

I like how archive.org deals with it. If someone wants something taken down, do 
it by all means!

Many current rights holders for this stuff may not even KNOW they are rights 
holders, and for others, they may *want* to release something but cross 
licensing issues with other companies (e.g. Licensed libraries) may prevent 

By the time we get permission to share this stuff,  much of it will be 
permanently lost.

So for now, I'll totally do illegal things. Because the law is shortsighted. 
And if a rights holder asks me to stop, I'm happy to. And sometime when society 
sees the value in all this, maybe we will get copyright reform.

Yar, mateys, I'll see you all on the high seas!

- Ian

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On Aug 21, 2015, at 11:13, Evan Koblentz <e...@snarc.net> wrote:

Wanted to add that my opinion of "freeing" manuals, etc. does not mean I am against 
Bitsavers or Internet Archive -- work that's done the right way by professionals. My main gripe is 
when an individual takes something that is still actively * for sale * (by the original developer, 
no less) and the takes it upon themselves to give it away. Whether people or the courts decide it's 
a "violation" or a crime, either way, it's wrong.

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