At what point should historic preservationists be concerned with preserving
someone else's obsolescent business model? Selling Xerox copies and burned
CDs ... and that's hard cash out of the pocket of every hobbyist that could
undoubtedly be better spent say, preserving actual equipment, than paying a
"vig" on documentation. I know it's hard to make a living in the USA these
days but I feel the suggestion is only going to hurt consumers and delay
the inevitable anyway.



On Wed, Aug 19, 2015 at 3:18 PM, <> wrote:

> On 8/19/2015 11:52 AM, Jason Scott wrote:
>> In closing, I might ask you to consider taking your sweet time getting
>>> this stuff online. There are still some manual dealers out there. Let
>>> them handle the decline of their business in whatever way they see
>>> fit. All of them know it is just a matter of time - probably five
>>> years or less. If you flood the net with the free scans, it might
>>> really fuck them up. I know some of them, and it is not unreasonable
>>> for me to think that they might get really annoyed by your efforts and
>>> burn their libraries just for spite.
>>> --
>>> Will
>> That is a most interesting metric. I honestly hadn't considered that
>> issue.
>> The key, I think, will be communication with them to understand which
>> manuals have sales going on, and which ones it would be advantageous to
>> get
>> online because they have long dropped into historical myths. Thank you for
>> the advice. All of it.
> A counterpoint to this might be to only scan manuals that are requested
> and can't be found anywhere else (with any reasonable ease).
> - J.

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