On 8/17/2015 10:06 PM, drlegendre . wrote:
> @ Jay,
> Ha, yeah.. I've seen a number of his vids.. Don't mean to offend, but he
> comes off a bit squirrely (hyper) for me.

Probably has to or viewers would fall asleep.  Jim Cramer on CNBC
operates the same way.

> Yet another freaking Aussie nutcase, lol - but he does seem to get some
> good info across, in between the audible glamour.
> On Mon, Aug 17, 2015 at 9:54 PM, Jay Jaeger <cu...@charter.net> wrote:
>> You might check EEVBLOG on Youtube.  The guy's a blast and covers what
>> you are asking about.  He indicates 8 bits is really not to his liking
>> at all, to go for more.  He also goes over the sampling rate of some of
>> the USB DSO's out there.
>> EEVBlog #13:
>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTG6jWL0ZqA
>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ev121xAt_k4
>> JRJ

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