You might check EEVBLOG on Youtube.  The guy's a blast and covers what
you are asking about.  He indicates 8 bits is really not to his liking
at all, to go for more.  He also goes over the sampling rate of some of
the USB DSO's out there.

EEVBlog #13:


On 8/17/2015 6:15 PM, drlegendre . wrote:
> Hey Dave & All,
> Could you give a little quick kick-start guide to bit depth & sampling rate
> on DSOs? It's always kind of stumped me, not that I've ever read deeply
> into it.. but how is it that you can get any kind of (vertical, right?)
> resolution out of 8 or even 12-bit samples?
> Example line of thought - 8 bit sample = 256 possible vertical positions.
> Even if the screen is low-end (640 x 480) that's almost 2X more height in
> pixels than samples in an 8-bit sample. So each increment is like 2 pixels
> tall and seems like it would be awfully blocky and imprecise. Things would
> seem to get even worse if you try to do maths functions..
> I must be viewing this quite wrong?
> On Mon, Aug 17, 2015 at 3:55 PM, Dave G4UGM <> wrote:
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: cctalk [] On Behalf Of Noel
>>> Chiappa
>>> Sent: 17 August 2015 21:12
>>> To:
>>> Cc:
>>> Subject: Re: test equipment / Re: Z80 / Z84C Swap (Doh!)
>>>     > From: Eric Smith
>>>     > If a person has any reasonable business justification
>>> But a lot of the people here don't; they're purely hobbyists. So spending
>> $1K
>>> on a piece of test equipment just isn't realistic for them.
>>> Having said that, I do see some DSO's on eBay for not much money (e.g.
>> the
>>> little hand-held ones), and those might be a good alternative to a logic
>>> analyzer - I never used one, so I tend not to think of them.
>>>       Noel
>> I haven't tried the dedicated DSO's but I have a couple of USB connected
>> ones and a laptop. For value for money I don't think the Hantek 6022  can
>> be
>> beaten. It really only goes to 8Mhz but I see they can be had for $60 - $70
>> and some sellers have US stock.  I also have a 200Mhz one but to be honest
>> for 99% of vintage stuff the Hantek is fine. It is only 8-bit, it is a bit
>> noisy, but its small enough to slip in the laptop bag, it doesn't need a
>> separate PSU...
>> Dave Wade
>> G4UGM

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