On 2015-07-29 08:24, Vincent Slyngstad wrote:
From: Pete Turnbull: Tuesday, July 28, 2015 10:58 AM
On 28/07/2015 18:22, Vincent Slyngstad wrote:
What do folks think of the idea of thickening the shaft, terminating it in a hemisphere, but then cutting half-way down the result with a Y or X shaped cut? The cut would hopefully allow the result to flex and taper
into the socket,
providing plenty of grip without actually tearing anything up.

Just a slit would do, and be much easier to incorporate in a moulded or machined item.

I've placed a new design at:

The .stl file is in inches, so remember to scale it if you are
planning to 3D print it!

For those just following along, the .jpg will be the most useful.

The SketchUp file is also provided, but unless you're a SketchUp user
like me, that's actually of little use.  (Do not attempt to cut into
the spherical sections unless you've done that sort of thing in
SketchUp before -- it's very hard to get it right.)

I don't know if the design will work -- will the slit will provide
enough flexibility, will the post crack, etc.


The new design looks OK to me.
As soon as I have an '.stp' type of file I could forward it to
the Belgian company for an estimate.


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