A momentus event happened 40 years ago around this time, July 1975,
the world's first computer store opened in West Los Angeles, called
Arrow Head Computer Store, tag-lined, 'The Computer Store'. It was
opened by Dick Heiser. How time has flown by!

On Fri, 24 Jul 2015, Paul Koning wrote:
Was that really first? I remember Rainbow Computing, in Northridge. If it was later than that, it certainly was not by much.

There are many "photo-finish" and "photo-start" events in this industry.
Many, if not most, "first"s in computers had overlapping development times. I remember a few times where the setup staffs at Comdex were frantically trying to get their booths together in order to be the first one to boot up their machine, in order to claim to have introduced it before somebody else. In the end, it is only the big money people whose claims get listened to - Adam Osborne with $100K? of chrome and black plexiglass, or a 10x10 booth across the aisle made out of flush doors and file cabinets?

Is "FIRST" based on
prototypes being misrepresented as production machines?
first public demo?
first trade show?
first sale?    preorder?
first shipped?
first delivered?

Such differentiations obviously are petty, but have always played a part in almost every "FIRST" claim.

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