On Thu, 23 Jul 2015, Murray McCullough wrote: > A momentus event happened 40 years ago around this time, July 1975, > the world's first computer store opened in West Los Angeles, called > Arrow Head Computer Store, tag-lined, 'The Computer Store'. It was > opened by Dick Heiser. How time has flown by!
What did they sell in 1975? I remember reading articles in "73 Magazine" circa 1976 about the interesting things that could be done with an 8008, some 2102s, and 500 linear feet of wirewrap but I was doing broadcast elctronics maintenance for a living and far more inclined to race bicycles than dabble in electronics in my spare time. Five years later I working in computing instead of broadcasting and everthing started to change. -- Richard Loken VE6BSV, Unix System Administrator : "Anybody can be a father Athabasca University : but you have to earn Athabasca, Alberta Canada : the title of 'daddy'" ** richar...@admin.athabascau.ca ** : - Lynn Johnston