On 07/15/2015 10:35 AM, Paul Koning wrote:

Then there was the very occasional early machine with no lights at
all — the CDC 6000 series is the one I can think of.  But there you
had the real time console status display, which was even better —
updated just as fast but with a whole lot more information.

...and that counters Neil's assertion that lights were too expensive.
Cray didn't use lights, neither did CDC as well as other manufacturers.

What they used was (usually) a separate processor with diagnostic capabilities.

Lights and switches paled in comparison to what an intelligent diagnostic processor could do--you could see the state of I/O channels, the P-counter and the job to which it was attached, modify the status of just about anything in the system and--in some cases even tell the state of the cooling system. Some allowed the operator to degrade system memory, allowing normal work to proceed using part of memory while performing diagnostic testing on the other part.

Lights are a quaint holdover from the 1950s and early 60s and really a cheap alternative to getting system information. The console on a360/195 is an example of the technology carried to a ridiculous extreme. The minicomputers of the 70s with their lights and switches being the last holdout, mostly because of cost.


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