The 8086 had four segment registers:
CS - Code segment, used with IP register
DS - Data segment
SS - Stack segment, used with SP and BP registers
ES - Extra segment, used with DI for string instructions as
destination (DS:SI as source)
You could override instructions dealing with memory with any of the
segment registers:
If you were writing an emulator, what would you have it do if an interrupt
occurred while in a REP operation with a segment override?
Just how accurately should an emulator match the behavior of the emulated
On Tue, 14 Jul 2015, Guy Sotomayor wrote:
It's actually described in the Intel SDM (Software Developer's Manual). ;-)
The start of the instruction is actually the segment override (one of
the things that makes decoding x86 instructions hard). Since the REP
XXX instructions are interruptible, the IP does not move to the next
instruction until after it completes (and the state of the REP XXX
instruction is kept in various registers that are updated on each
So, when an interrupt occurs, the execution is stopped (after the current
iteration completes) and is restarted when the interrupt returns.
That certainly sounds reasonable, but,
have you noticed the difference in behavior of 8086/8088 V 80386?