Actually, the automated design tools will automatically flag wired or / wired and, because they result in tying the outputs of multiple "drivers" together.
BTW, my next project for this kind of thing is intended to be the IBM 1410. Quite a challenge. I expect it will probably take me 2-3 years to do. I actually intend to build a database from the Automated Logic Diagrams [essentially trying to reverse engineer them into something close to what IBM would have had in a tape file to actually generate the ALDs] and then generate VHDL from that as much as possible. JRJ On 7/14/2015 4:20 AM, ANDY HOLT wrote: >>>>> > ----- Original Message ----- > From: "Dave G4UGM" <> > To: "General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts" <> > Sent: Tuesday, 14 July, 2015 8:58:09 AM > Subject: RE: Reproducing old machines with newer technology (Re: PDP-12 at > the RICM) > ... > My next project is likely to be the Ferranti Pegasus which is several orders > of magnitude more complex than the Baby and will need a proper plan. > <<<< > > "There may be troubles ahead" … > I had plans for doing something similar for the ICT1905 (FP6000) and > discovered two catches in translating the logic diagrams: > > FPGAs are designed around the modern concept of a single clock that is widely > distributed and having flipflop control by gating the input signals whereas > early Ferranti machines (1900, at least pre "A" series, Atlas*, and > presumably Pegasus) used "strobes" which are hard and inefficient to do in a > FPGA. > > Maybe less likely to be the case in the Pegasus is the widespread use of > "wired-or" which can be hard to recognise in the logic diagrams (and, again, > requires translating into "real" gates in an FPGA) > Obviously a register transfer model wouldn't have those problems compared to > a gate-level model and would be considerably simpler to implement but then > risks losing some of the (possibly undocumented) edge cases. > > * Atlas would, presumably, be even trickier due to the use of asynchronous > logic. > > Good luck, should be an "interesting" exercise. > > Andy >