Bremsstrahlung, not Bremstrahlung.

            Frances Bernstein

On 2025-03-16 12:47, Jurgen Bosch wrote:

I insist on Bremstrahlung - just because it is a more difficult word for non-Germans.


On Mar 16, 2025, at 11:54 AM, David J. Schuller <> wrote:

Could it be time for a return to "Roentgen rays"?

... with a side of Freedom Fries

All Things Serve the Beam
David J. Schuller
modern man in a post-modern world
MacCHESS, Cornell University


From: CCP4 bulletin board <CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK> on behalf of Debanu <>
Sent: Sunday, March 16, 2025 11:17
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] e: [ccp4bb] Words to avoid

"As an NMR person I create a lot of Mx (magnetization)"
more X than the X-ray crystallographers, MX-Macromolecular Crystallographers and synchrotron magnetizations here?
Sorry, could not resist, despite the trying times..:)


On Sun, Mar 16, 2025 at 08:11 Remco Sprangers <> wrote: Dear all,

this development is really worrying and sad.....But, before banning whole words, one should maybe start by banning some letters. In this context I
suggest we all stop using (the letter) X and alike.

Best, Remco

p.s. As an NMR person I create a lot of Mx (magnetization), does this make
me suspicious as of now (also outside this mailing list)?

On Sun, 16 Mar 2025, Navdeep Sidhu wrote:

Dear Colleagues,

What can one say beyond "Shameless sexism, racism and ableism"? Perhaps this:

"To omit or to minimize [the] voices of resistance is to create the idea that power only rests with those who have the guns, who possess the wealth, who own the newspapers and the television stations. I want to point out that people who seem to have no power, whether working people, people of color, or women--once they organize and protest and create movements--have a voice no
government can suppress."
-- Howard Zinn, from the Introduction to "Voices of a People's History of
the United States"

And this:

"Don't mourn. Organize."
-- Wobbly songwriter Joe Hill

By the way, George Orwell's own introduction to "1984" was successfully
suppressed for decades because in it he'd lamented self-censorship in
Britain. The Kommissar lives within us too.

But there are cultures in which this wasn't so, including aboriginal cultures in North America, who understood the idea of "freedom" better. It's thought
they were likely behind the ideas of the European Enlightenment.

Diversely, with best wishes,

On 13.03.25 19:24, David J. Schuller wrote:

*'We Are Witnessing a New Brain Drain' as Scientists Flee America for

All Things Serve the Beam
David J. Schuller
modern man in a post-modern world
MacCHESS, Cornell University
*From:* CCP4 bulletin board <CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK> on behalf of V.
Nagarajan <>
*Sent:* Thursday, March 13, 2025 09:43
*Subject:* Re: [ccp4bb] Words to avoid
Here's an article from ProPublica, explaining how they used AI to search through some 3,400 research grants called "woke" by Texas senator Ted Cruz:
GettyImages-1097249104.jpg [1]


From the article: 'Among them: a $470,000 grant to study the evolution of mint plants and how they spread across continents. As best Philip and Song could tell, the project was flagged because of two specific words used in its application to the NSF: "diversify," referring to the biodiversity of plants, and "female," where the application noted how the project would
support a young female scientist on the research team.

Another involved developing a device that could treat severe bleeding. It included the words "victims" -- as in gunshot victims -- and "trauma."'

V. Nagarajan

On Mar 13, 2025, at 5:13 AM, ΕΜΜΑΝΟΥΗΛ ΣΑΡΕΙΔΑΚΗΣ
<> wrote:

The problem is not to ensure confidentiality of what one writes. It is to ensure that one can write publicly (within some limits, see below) without

To go back to the original conversation, I think we have here an example of a "pendulum effect". The onslaught on what cannot be said started on the "progressist", "woke", "politically correct" side, as explained in the article forwarded yesterday on this thread by Bryan Lepore. These people
were well-meant, on a high moral ground and earnestly dedicated to
rectifying earlier iniquities. Nevertheless, as often happens with
well-meant actions, these initiatives quickly degenerated, in this case into rather indiscriminate censorship, nonsensical grammar (ungrammatical
pronouns and the like) and sometimes worse.

Then, the pendulum swung, and the "progressist" bigots were replaced by the real ones, who are not on a moral high ground, but are feeding on the mistrust and outrage generated by the previous status quo. The real bigots are of course many times worse than the ones that became so by excessive enthusiasm, and this is what we are seeing now (mostly in the US for the
moment, but it's spreading).

So, I think the questions to ask are: is any form of censorship acceptable and, if yes, to what extent? My answer to the first question is yes: any bigot Right and Left should not be allowed to go around spreading lies and victimising people. The US has been in many cases an example of too little censorship: it is one of the most tolerant places in the West for those who are openly Neonazi for example. The answer to the second question must be: censorship should be tolerated to the least possible extent, it must be well-vetted, well-justified and liable to questioning, challenge and rational revision at all times. Ideally, it should also have some rapport with a somewhat objective notion of truth. Given the strained relationship of the present US Government with all the above concepts, I have little


Dr. Emmanuel Saridakis
Institute of Nanoscience & Nanotechnology
National Centre for Scientific Research "DEMOKRITOS"
Athens 15341, Greece.

*From: *David <>
*Date: *Thursday, 13 March 2025 12:10 PM EET
*Subject: *Re: [ccp4bb] Words to avoid

I guess I should remind subscribers that the CCP4BB has a public
archive, at
On a personal note, I always appreciate the courage of those who
call out the bullshit in the world, and I've enjoyed the eloquent
messages in this thread (though the content is depressing).
Best wishes,

On Wed, 12 Mar 2025, 21:04 Katherine Sippel,
< <>>

My response was more of a suggestion to make sure these
types of conversations are held via a personal email where
"The Man" would require sufficient probable cause for a judge
to issue a warrant rather than an institutional email that
does not have such a barrier. That being said, I have had more
than one work email recently where I asked myself "would you
want to have to defend this in front of a McCarthy-esque
congressional inquest" and made a phone call instead. So,
you're completely right. Thank you for the gut check.

On Wed, Mar 12, 2025 at 2:31 PM Artem Evdokimov
< <>>

The first thing that happens as freedom of speech dies is
that diligent self censorship becomes the norm. People
acquire a Komissar inside their heads.

When I was a kid, my parents had to remind me daily not to
share with school kids the jokes told at home because
'mommy does not want to go to Gulag'.

Word to the wise.


On Wed, Mar 12, 2025, 15:21 Katherine Sippel
<>> wrote:

I love this conversation. It is an important one right
now that addresses the intersection between the
precise language needed to communicate science and the
greater zeitgeist around politicization of vocabulary.
It will be interesting to see how the etymology of
scientific language migrates in response to this
selective pressure.
However, if you will allow me to put on my tinfoil hat
for a moment, I feel compelled to remind the faculty
from publicly funded universities in the US that your
institutional emails may be subject to Freedom of
Information Act requests. I was at the University of
Florida when the Organic Consumers Association decided
to go after Kevin Folta via US Right to Know, and it
was nasty. I would not put it past the administration
to weaponize FOIA requests in the future to root out
dissent among US academics. Just something to consider
when engaging in these types of conversations.
Kat Sippel, PhD, ELS

On Wed, Mar 12, 2025 at 1:41 PM Harry Powell

"_golf_ of America" particularly apt with current


On 12 Mar 2025, at 17:49, Oganesyan, Vaheh
<>> wrote:

You never know what is on their minds
(Musk&Don). Would you guess anything related to
Greenland before hearing it, or golf of America?


From: CCP4 bulletin board <CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK
<mailto:CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK>> On Behalf Of Harry
Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2025 1:30 PM
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] Words to avoid

I don't thnk that's why it's been banned...

> On 12 Mar 2025, at 17:09, Ian Tickle
< <>> wrote:
> --------- Forwarded message ---------
> From: Ian Tickle <
> Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2025, 14:08
> Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] Words to avoid
> To: Herbert J. Bernstein <
> I spell it 'polarisation' anyway (from Late
Latin 'Stella Polaris' = 'Pole Star').
> Cheers
> -- Ian
> On Tue, 11 Mar 2025, 20:00 Herbert J.
Bernstein, <
<>> wrote:
> Dear Colleagues,
> When I got home today, Frances presented me
with an article from the
> NY Times which contained the attached list of
words and the explanation,
> "As President Trump seeks to purge the federal
government of "woke" initiatives, agencies have
flagged hundreds of words to limit or avoid,
> according to a compilation of government
> For this audience in particular, please note
that "Mx", "polarization", "orientation",
"status", "systemic". "discrimination",
"equality", "expression", "barriers", and "bias"
are among the words to avoid. Care should be
> taken in writing proposals and reports since
AIs may be used for screening
> and they are' likely to miss explanatory context.
> Regard,
> Herbert
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