
we have a Linux installation with Debian 12 / Xfce 4.18 Gtk 3.24.38 using the Nvidia driver version 470.256.02 and a Quadro M4000 Graphics card, which still works (Chimera, PyMol, Coot), besides a minor bug in Coot pull-down menus.



On 28/02/2025 15:13, Clemens Grimm wrote:
There will be no alternative to quad-buffered OpenGL if you want broad support of all stereo-capable software. In fact, quad-buffered OpenGL is part of the OpenGL specification since the beginning. The Acer website says that the SpatialLabs displays require an additional, dedicated driver. It seems rather unlikely that this will enable quad-buffered OpenGL.

A few years ago, when our 3D vision equipment (which, of course, supported quad-buffered OpenGL) stopped working properly after a driver update, I had a long conversation with a technical guy from Nvidia. He told me that there would be no bug fixes for 3D Vision anymore and that driver support would be discontinued soon. From the conversation here, it seems however, that 3D vision is still in use (with newer drivers?) - could you please post the driver version that works for you?

The Nvidia technician also said that quad-buffered OpenGL support will continue for professional cards (which I can confirm for the latest driver and our dual-monitor stereo display). Since then, we have kept the 3D Vision glasses and monitors, but have never tried to see if they can be reactivated with a current driver ...


*Von:* CCP4 bulletin board <CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK> im Auftrag von David J. Schuller <schul...@cornell.edu>
*Gesendet:* Freitag, 28. Februar 2025 14:19
*Betreff:* [EXT] Re: [ccp4bb] 3D/Stereoscopic hardware options in 2025?
Strengths and weaknesses.

The AcerSpatialLabsStereoscopic 3D-solutions are lenticular displays. Such solutions have existed for quite a while, so it's nothing new. They just claim to do it better by using "AI."

Lenticular displays do not require glasses. They have lenses/prisms (made of liquid crystals) in front of the pixels, so that of each pair of pixels, one is seen by the left eye and one by the right eye.

To do this successfully, the display needs to know where your eyes are, to shape the prisms properly. That is purportedly where the AI comes in. Only one person can view the screen with this 3D effect at a time.
Lenticular displays halve the resolution in one spatial dimension.

For comparison, the old CrystalEyes and Nvidia 3D systems use active glasses: the lenses of the glasses are shutters made of liquid crystals. One shutter is open and one closed, synchronized to the display. Left and right images are interlaced to the display in the time dimension.

To do this successfully, the display needs to be bright enough. It also needs to have a refresh rate of at least 120 Hz so that each eye can get 60 Hz viewing. But you get the full spatial resolution of the display.

Wearing the glasses, and keeping them charged is somewhat of a nuisance. But as many people can view the display at one time as the number of pairs of glasses you have.

 All Things Serve the Beam
                                 David J. Schuller
                                 modern man in a post-modern world
                                 MacCHESS, Cornell University

*From:* CCP4 bulletin board <CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK> on behalf of Jeroen Mesters <0000cf8d8aa45b08-dmarc-requ...@jiscmail.ac.uk>
*Sent:* Friday, February 28, 2025 04:07
*Subject:* Re: [ccp4bb] 3D/Stereoscopic hardware options in 2025?

could Acer's newly developed SpatialLabsStereoscopic 3D-solutions i.e. 3D-monitors offer a way out? Apparently, with the aid of AI, they claim it can transform 2D to 3D content.

3D is still alive as CAD and game software developers are currently opting for 3D-glasses-free viewing based on OpenXR or SteamVR…


Dr. /math. et dis. nat./ Jeroen R. Mesters
Biological Safety Officer (BBS)
Deputy, Lecturer, Program Coordinator Infection Biology
Visiting Professorship in Biophysics - University South Bohemia


University of Lübeck
Center for Structural and Cell Biology in Medicine
Institute of Biochemistry
Ratzeburger Allee 160
23562 Lübeck

Tel +49 451 3101 3105

    Am 27.02.2025 um 08:05 schrieb Blankenfeldt, Wulf

    Dear all,

    I have just been shocked by our IT department’s announcement that
    they will force us into migration to Win11 very soon. I know I am
    a dinosaur, but I still use and love my old nvidia
    Quadro/Asus/shutter glasses combi (over 10 years old) for hardware
    stereo viewing of protein structures under Win10. I am afraid that
    this will simply not work anymore once I have been upgraded, since
    nvdia has disabled hardware stereo in its drivers long time ago.

    Personally, I cannot understand how modern structural biology can
    live without it and I would love to still be able view structures
    in “real” 3D.

    I know that the ccp4 community is graphics- and tech-savvy, I am
    therefore asking if you know of any modern day and
    established/sustainable hardware solution for 3D viewing in our
    favorite programs (Coot, PyMol, …).

    Thank you in advance for your advice,


    *Prof. Wulf Blankenfeldt*
    Struktur und Funktion der Proteine (SFPR)

    HZI - Helmholtz-Zentrum für Infektionsforschung GmbH

    SCIENCE CAMPUS Braunschweig-Süd
    Inhoffenstraße 7, 38124 Braunschweig
    Tel. +49 5316181-7000


    Helmholtz-Zentrum für Infektionsforschung GmbH | Inhoffenstraße 7
    | 38124 Braunschweig | www.helmholtz-hzi.de

    Vorsitzende des Aufsichtsrates: Frau MinDir'in Prof. Dr. Veronika
    von Messling, Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung
    Stellvertreter: MinDirig Rüdiger Eichel, Niedersächsisches
    Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kultur
    Wissenschaftlicher Geschäftsführer: Prof. Dr. Josef Penninger -
    Administrativer Geschäftsführer: Christian Scherf
    Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung (GmbH)
    Sitz der Gesellschaft: Braunschweig
    Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Braunschweig, HRB 477

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*Wim Burmeister*
Institut de Biologie Structurale (IBS) CIBB
71 avenue des Martyrs / CS 20192
38044 Grenoble Cedex 9, FRANCE
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