AMD and Nvidia still sell professional graphics cards that have 3D stereo support.  The 3D stereo driver support was only removed from the consumer cards.  So you should be able to reuse your old shutter glasses and display with a new system.  The problem is finding a 3D stereo capable display if you don't already have one.  If you want multiple people to see 3D stereo together, then your best bet is a projector that supports 3D stereo.  For a single person, a VR headset is awesome.  And the Sony Spatial Reality and Acer SpatialLabs displays look promising -- they use a VR programming interface to give a glasses-free view for one person.  UCSF ChimeraX works well with VR headsets and stereo displays.  And we're working on improving the support for the Spatial Reality/SpatialLabs displays -- it's functional, but could be better.

tl;dr get a VR gaming computer or higher end professional graphics setup

    Good luck,


On 2/27/2025 11:58 AM, CCP4BB automatic digest system wrote:
Date:    Thu, 27 Feb 2025 07:05:53 +0000
From:    "Blankenfeldt, Wulf"<>
Subject: 3D/Stereoscopic hardware options in 2025?

Dear all,

I have just been shocked by our IT department's announcement that they will 
force us into migration to Win11 very soon. I know I am a dinosaur, but I still 
use and love my old nvidia Quadro/Asus/shutter glasses combi (over 10 years 
old) for hardware stereo viewing of protein structures under Win10. I am afraid 
that this will simply not work anymore once I have been upgraded, since nvdia 
has disabled hardware stereo in its drivers long time ago.

Personally, I cannot understand how modern structural biology can live without it and I 
would love to still be able view structures in "real" 3D.

I know that the ccp4 community is graphics- and tech-savvy, I am therefore 
asking if you know of any modern day and established/sustainable hardware 
solution for 3D viewing in our favorite programs (Coot, PyMol, ...).

Thank you in advance for your advice,


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