Hi Marco,

In addition to what has already been suggested, you could also try 
co-crystallising with a peptide from the partner protein that was used for the 
existing structure. Specifically, use a peptide from and interacting surface, 
which might help with the crystal packing, as well as stabilising your protein 
(if this is an issue).


From: CCP4 bulletin board <CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK> on behalf of Marco Bravo 
Sent: 10 January 2025 01:00
Subject: [ccp4bb] Help crystalizing protein

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Hello all,
I am seeking some advice or ideas to crystalize a nuclease protein. It exists 
within a heterodimer, homodimer, and maybe monomer as well depending on the 
species from which the protein is in. The protein has been shown to have 
nuclease activity on its own depending on the species. I am screening the 
protein from three different species and have setup so many crystal 
high-throughput crystal screens with and without DNA. I never get protein 
crystals for these proteins, I have done thermal shift assays to identify a 
buffer that stabilizes the protein better than the storage buffer and found 
some conditions that increased the melting temp by 4-5 degrees. I screened the 
protein again in these new stabilizing buffers but still have not gotten any 
hits. There are protein structures for the protein in the pdb with its partner 
protein in the heterodimer formation. I have experience screening other 
proteins and getting several hits per kit so I know what to expect for a 
successful screen. Any advice would be helpful, I want to retain the 
full-length protein for structural studies. I would appreciate any ideas or 
advice for moving forward and trying to obtain crystals. Thanks!



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