Hi All,

Sorry for the slow response - holiday season & all (I am sure many of us needed 
a break at the end of 2020)

Windows is currently not super well supported for xia2 / DIALS work and won’t 
work at all for xia2 / XDS for the simple reason that XDS is not available for 
the platform (hence absence of durin plugin for Windows mentioned elsewhere in 
this thread)

Your data are from 2019 I would guess from the log text

In this case I would honestly suggest that the best method to process this data 
is to either -
 - work on a UNIX based system
 - restage the data to Diamond and process there

I’m happy to help (off list) with the details of this if it would help

We probably should invest some effort in properly supporting Windows for xia2 / 
DIALS - however there are a bunch of rather nasty jobs to do in making this 
possible and it’s never “the most important thing” sorry :-(

Happy new year & best wishes Graeme

On 22 Dec 2020, at 16:53, Irwin Selvam 


I'd like to reprocess some data that were collected on an Eiger2 detector at 
Diamond with Xia2Dials using CCP4i2's GUI. I'm running CCP4i2 on a 64-bit 
Windows 10 machine. The data were processed successfully at Diamond with no 
obvious pathologies, the high resolution limit was just a little generous. The 
folder in question contains a Diamond specific file (.nsx extension), two image 
files (.h5), a header (.cbf), a master (.h5) and meta file (.h5). I've tried 
pointing Xia2 to the folder itself (which works when processing data collected 
on PILATUS detectors) and each of the files contained therein (except the 
Diamond specific file). Each time this results in the error " -ERROR- None:56 
Error in wrapper xia2_dials 0.0:: External process exited with exit code != 0 
Process: C:\CCP4-7\7.1\bin\xia2.bat -ERROR- None:47 Error in wrapper xia2_dials 
0.0:: Error in checking external process after completion exit status and code: 
0 1". I've attached the error, debug etc files for a representative 'run' to 
this email. Which files do I need to point xia2 towards to get it to run? Any 
help would be appreciated.

All the best,


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