Hi Paul,

thanks - I've setup my own key bindings, already ;-)



On 11.09.20 12:34, Paul Emsley wrote:
Maybe because I've never attended a Coot course? And maybe because, I've even never searched for Coot tutorials because the usage of Coot was (almost) always very intuitive? I am open for any new developments

OK "Pro Tip of the Day!" then...

Edit -> Settings -> Install Template Key Bindings  # you need only do this once.

(this is how I move around in Coot)

Fast navigation by residue: Ctrl-G {Type a number in the little box} Enter -> Coot jumps to that residue number

Fast navigation by blob: {Point at a blob with your mouse cursor} G -> Coot brings blob to screen centre


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Dirk Kostrewa
Gene Center Munich
Department of Biochemistry, AG Hopfner
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Feodor-Lynen-Str. 25
D-81377 Munich
Phone:  +49-89-2180-76845
Fax:    +49-89-2180-76998
E-mail: dirk.kostr...@lmu.de
WWW:    www.genzentrum.lmu.de


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