Hello, it should be alright especially if you have NCS. Diffraction anisotropy also springs to mind. Best wishes, Jon.C.

On 25 Nov 2019 13:11, Matthias Oebbeke <oebbe...@staff.uni-marburg.de> wrote:

Dear ccp4 Bulletin Board,

I collected a dataset at a synchrotron beamline and got the statistics 
(CORRECT.LP) after processing (using xds) shown in the attached 

Do you think this dataset is usable, due to its low completeness? As 
you can see in the attached file the completeness is just 50% in the 
highest resolution shell, whereas the I over Sigma is above 2 and also 
the CC 1/2 (80%) and the R factors (36.8%) have reasonable values. 
Furthermore the overall statistic are good regarding R factor, CC 1/2 
and I over Sigma. The only problem seems to be the completeness. If I 
would set the cut-off at a lower resolution to get good completeness, 
I would throw away nearly half of my reflections.

I'm happy to here your opinion. In Addition to that: The space group 
is orthorhombic and the dataset was collected over 120° using fine 
slicing (0.1°).

Best regards,

Matthias Oebbeke

Matthias Oebbeke, M.Sc.
Research Group of Professor Dr. G. Klebe
Institute of Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Philipps-University Marburg
Marbacher Weg 6, 35032 Marburg, Germany
Phone: +49-6421-28-21392
Mail: oebbe...@staff.uni-marburg.de


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