Hi all! I've got an unusual PhD position available to work on improving
model building software for users. The project aims to be scientifically
disruptive in that we aim to use our software to work out how to make our
competitors software better. Applications should go through the website
(don't send them to me!)Project Description
A PhD position is available to work in the group of Dr Kevin Cowtan on
computational methods for automatic building of protein structures. Both
X-ray crystallography and electron microscopy can give us a picture of the
electron density clouds in a protein molecule. However chemists and
biologists want to know about the layout of the atoms corresponding to
those clouds. Automated software is used to build a three dimensional model
of the atoms in the protein which explains the observed electron density.

There are several competing software tools which address this problem, with
their own strengths and weaknesses. The rise of Open Research provides a
new opportunity for us to transcend traditional group boundaries and
investigate how to combine the different parts of competing software tools
to produce a method which is better than any of its components.

The project will involve investigating the strengths and weaknesses of
software developed at York and elsewhere and develop ways of breaking the
software into steps which can be combined in different combinations. The
resulting software will be used to help structural biologists all over the
world in their work.

All Chemistry research students have access to our innovative Doctoral
Training in Chemistry (iDTC): cohort-based training to support the
development of scientific, transferable and employability skills:

The Department of Chemistry holds an Athena SWAN Gold Award and is
committed to supporting equality and diversity for all staff and students.
The Department strives to provide a working environment which allows all
staff and students to contribute fully, to flourish, and to excel:
This PhD project is available to study full-time or part-time (50%).

This PhD will formally start on 1 October 2020. Induction activities will
start on 28 September.

Professor Kevin Cowtan
York Structural Biology Laboratory / Department of Chemistry
University of York, Heslington, York, YO10 5DD, UK

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