Hi Yi Zhang

As Sharan suggests microseeding may be the key to solving your problem.
‘Random’ microseeding or MMS, where seed stock is added to random screens
may be helpful. It often gives new hits, crystals that diffract better and
may allow you to control the number of crystals per drop (if you dilute the
seed stock).

A very good reference for this is:
D'Arcy, et al. "Microseed matrix screening for optimization in protein
crystallization: what have we learned?." Acta Cryst. F 70.9 (2014):
1117-1126. <https://scripts.iucr.org/cgi-bin/paper?s2053230x14015507>

or search online for MMS microseeding or rMMS microseeding.

Hope it works for you


*Stefan Kolek*

Douglas Instruments Ltd, Hungerford, Berkshire, RG17 7HD, UK

Email: ste...@douglas.co.uk

Gmail: skolek.doug...@gmail.com

Tel:  +44 (0) 1488 649090 US toll free: 1-877-225-2034

Web: www.douglas.co.uk

On Fri, 22 Mar 2019 at 11:57, Sharan Karade <sharankar...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear Jun
> Did you tried seeding the old crystals. Just crush them and make different
> dilutions with same buffer. Hope, it will work out for you.
> Regards
> Sharan
> Fri, Mar 22, 2019, 6:55 AM 马俊 <majun...@cau.edu.cn> wrote:
>> Dear all,
>>    A single positive stranded RNA virus RDRP grows crystals, monomers,
>> precipitants (PEG8000)
>> with low concentration, more nucleuses and poor resolution.Reduce
>> precipitant concentration can reduce the crystal nucleus, but worse
>> resolution. Precipitant concentration increased, many crystal nucleus,
>> crystal is very small.  Try to optimize the temperature, pH, different
>> protein concentration, dehydration, additives, detergent, sit and hanging
>> drop, but were not improved much.  Pease provide some advice methods.
>> Thanks
>> Jun Ma
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