Dear All,

A NIH-funded post-doctoral position is available in my group at UCLA to
study the structure, mechanisms, and functions of membrane protein
complexes involved in protein or phospholipid trafficking in eukaryotic
pathogens (such as fungi and parasitic protozoa) as described in:

    AhYoung, Jiang et* al.* in *PNAS* 2015 (doi: 10.1073/pnas.1422363112).

            Ho, Beck et* al.* in *Nature* 2018 (doi:

Motivated and qualified candidates should hold a PhD in the field of
structural biology and be proficient in cloning, protein purification, and
structure solving by either crystallography or cryo-electron microscopy.
Experience with expression in insect cells and/or HEK293 cells is strongly

Applicants should address their CV, a cover letter stating their
accomplishments, interests, and career plans together with the addresses of
three potential references to *


All the best,
Pascal Egea

Pascal F. Egea, PhD
UCLA, David Geffen School of Medicine
Department of Biological Chemistry
Boyer Hall room 356
611 Charles E Young Drive East
Los Angeles CA 90095
office (310)-983-3515
lab      (310)-983-3516
email     pegea at


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