Without checking further, there is a "dd" option for swapping big-endian to 
little-endian... swab. This may simply be the issue... 

The output of od -x may help decode the header of the file...



Dr Robert Esnouf 

University Research Lecturer, 
Director of Research Computing BDI, 
Head of Research Computing Core WHG, 
NDM Research Computing Strategy Officer 

Main office: 
Room 10/028, Wellcome Centre for Human Genetics, 
Old Road Campus, Roosevelt Drive, Oxford OX3 7BN, UK 

rob...@strubi.ox.ac.uk / rob...@well.ox.ac.uk / robert.esn...@bdi.ox.ac.uk 

Tel:   (+44)-1865-287783 (WHG); (+44)-1865-743689 (BDI)

-----Original Message-----
From: "Pavel Afonine" <pafon...@gmail.com>
Date: 09/11/18 13:54
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] VERY old mtz file..

Now I see the value of storing data in plain text files even more (mind Shelx 
or X-plor formats, for example) -;)

<Sorry for helpless comment. Couldn't resist as I've never liked non-human 
readable files.>

On Fri, Nov 9, 2018 at 9:47 PM Clemens Vonrhein <vonrh...@globalphasing.com> 

Hi Eleanor,

You could try running the oldest MTZ2VARIOUS binary you can find -

  wget ftp://ftp.ccp4.ac.uk/ccp4/4.2/binaries/ccp4-4.2_Linux.tar.gz
  tar -xvf ccp4-4.2_Linux.tar.gz bin/mtz2various

  bin/mtz2various hklin ...

Any older binaries (ftp://ftp.ccp4.ac.uk/ccp4/4.0.1/) will require an
SGI or Dec/Alpha machine ;-)

If that doesn't help I would first check that it is actually a correct
MTZ file: does the ASCII header (trailer) show up with

  strings your.mtz

towards the end?



On Fri, Nov 09, 2018 at 12:47:09PM +0000, Eleanor Dodson wrote:
> Anyone any idea what to do about this?? Created in 1992!!
> Seems unreadable..
> No CTYP lines input for file:  1
>     Indices output even if all data items flagged "missing"
>  Warning, NOT all LABOUT data lines given
> Warning: Machine stamp corrupted? Assuming native format.
> >>>>>> CCP4 library signal library_file:End of File (Error)
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* Clemens Vonrhein, Ph.D.     vonrhein AT GlobalPhasing DOT com
* Global Phasing Ltd., Sheraton House, Castle Park
* Cambridge CB3 0AX, UK                   www.globalphasing.com


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