I once had a problem that seemed to manifest itself similarly to what you
describe. It turned out to be a misindexing of the diffraction origin
by +/- 1 due to a slightly incorrect beam center. You can use the pointless
"centre" option to do a search for the correct center. There's an example
of the command here:

I don't know HKL3000 very well, but in xds you would then use the
INDEX_ORIGIN parameter to specify the correct origin, and reintegrate your


On Fri, Sep 28, 2018 at 4:11 AM Zhang Foggy <foggyc...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear All,
> Sorry for the off-topic.
> I recently collected a set of data. The diffraction spots are extremely
> sharp. However, When I used HKL3000 to scale it, I get a final resolution
> at 3.1A with overall R-merge ~0.54 (R-merge in the highest 3.2A-3.1A shell:
> 1.59). Then I solve the structure with final R value 0.19 and R free value
> 0.24 although I know this Rmerge value is totally unacceptable, and the
> density looks perfect.
> I also tried to collect other four set of data with different crystals.
> unfortunately, all of them have same problem.
> I ask one of my friend who is an expert in HKL3000, but he had no idea
> about it. Does anyone has suggestions?
> Here is the scale information for your review:
> Space group: P43 (I also tried P1, the Rmerge value is still similar)
> Shell Lower Upper Average      Average     Norm. Linear Square
>  limit    Angstrom       I   error   stat. Chi**2  R-fac  R-fac  Rmeas
>  Rpim  CC1/2    CC*
>       50.00   6.67    11.6     0.9     0.3  1.165  0.191  0.284  0.198
> 0.052  0.975  0.994
>        6.67   5.30     4.5     0.5     0.3  0.952  0.317  0.313  0.329
> 0.086  0.971  0.993
>        5.30   4.63     7.3     0.7     0.5  0.961  0.293  0.297  0.304
> 0.081  0.975  0.994
>        4.63   4.21     7.0     0.8     0.6  0.986  0.369  0.358  0.382
> 0.101  0.969  0.992
>        4.21   3.91     5.6     0.8     0.6  1.040  0.522  0.491  0.541
> 0.142  0.955  0.988
>        3.91   3.68     4.6     0.9     0.7  1.064  0.718  0.669  0.746
> 0.203  0.929  0.981
>        3.68   3.49     3.5     0.9     0.8  1.092  1.059  0.986  1.101
> 0.299  0.882  0.968
>        3.49   3.34     2.6     0.9     0.8  1.092  1.382  1.298  1.438
> 0.395  0.829  0.952
>        3.34   3.21     2.1     0.9     0.8  1.084  1.543  1.489  1.614
> 0.468  0.772  0.933
>        3.21   3.10     1.6     0.9     0.8  1.070  1.591  1.669  1.680
> 0.529  0.645  0.885
>   All reflections      5.0     0.8     0.6  1.048  0.538  0.487  0.559
> 0.153
> Thank you.
> Liang
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