Dear John - sorry for my ignorance but does mmCIF provide a proper LINKR

Surely there is just as likely to be redundant LINK records as LINKR? It is
easy enough to get rid of a residue and forgetting to leave useless CISPEP
SSBOND LNK etc lines in the header...


On 10 December 2017 at 19:59, John Berrisford <> wrote:

> Dear Bernhard
> When we convert from PDB to mmCIF we do indeed ignore LINKR records as
> these are also present between unmodelled residues in the PDB file (or were
> when we tested).
> However, if you output an mmCIF file directly from refmac then the link
> records are correctly written out into _struct_conn records (mmCIF
> equivalent of LINK records) which are correctly handled by the deposition
> system.
> To do this simply add the keyword "pdbout format mmcif" to your refmac
> commands and it will output an mmCIF file ready for deposition.
> I hope this helps
> John
> PDBe
> On 09/12/2017 20:34, Bernhard Rupp wrote:
> Dear Developers,
> the TER issue in REFMAC seems to be fixed, but is really necessary that
> records instead of LINK records in the PDB header?
> The PDB does not recognize those, and although it’s only a minor nuisance
> to fix them in an editor,
> one tends to forget this between revisions…or the PDB could simply ignore
> the ‘R’….
> Best, BR
> ------------------------------------------------------
> Bernhard Rupp
> +1 925 209 7429 <(925)%20209-7429>
> +43 767 571 0536 <+43%207675%20710536>
> ------------------------------------------------------
> Many plausible ideas vanish
> at the presence of thought
> ------------------------------------------------------
> --
> John Berrisford
> PDBe
> European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI)
> European Molecular Biology Laboratory
> Wellcome Trust Genome Campus
> Hinxton
> Cambridge CB10 1SD UK
> Tel: +44 1223 492529 <+44%201223%20492529>
> http://www.pdbe.org

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